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Saving text from your phone

With the Shooglebox app it’s easy to save text from notes, emails, text messages, web pages and apps straight from your phone.


Apple devices

Simply highlight the text, click Share… and choose Shooglebox from the list of options.

Highlighted text
Apple pop-up share menu

If you're using an Apple device and the Shooglebox app isn’t in the list, you'll need to turn on Sharing  – choose More on the pop-up menu and then flick the switch next to Shooglebox on. Learn more about app sharing here

Shooglebox sharing toggle on

A card will automatically be created in your Inbox once you've chosen to share it to Shooglebox. 

text card.png

All content saved from your phone is sent to your inbox. The inbox is a great place to store all your notes, images and interesting things you come across before you’re ready to decide what you want to do with them.


The card will display the highlighted text on both the front and the back of the card.

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