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Saving places from the Google Maps app

If you’re researching a destination or planning a trip you can share places from the Google Maps mobile app to Shooglebox.


Apple devices

1. Open the Google Maps app and select the location you’d like to save.

2. Tap on the Share icon.

3. Choose Shooglebox from the list of options.

Google Maps share icon
Apple pop-up share menu

4. If the Shooglebox app isn’t in the list, you'll need to turn on Sharing  – choose More and then flick the switch next to Shooglebox on. Learn more about app sharing here.

Shooglebox sharing toggle on

5. Shooglebox will create a card for this place in your inbox.


Android devices 

1. Select the location you would like to save. 

2. Tap the Share icon.

3. Choose Shooglebox from the list of options. 

Google maps share icon
Google maps sharing options

4. Shooglebox will create a card with this location for you in your Inbox.  

The card will display an image on the front of the card, as well as a larger image and embedded link to the map on the back of the card. 


All content shared from your phone is sent to your inbox. This is the place to squirrel away all the interesting you find before you’re ready to decide what you want to do with them.

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